Meet our ICPS 2020 Ambassadors
We are delighted to welcome on board our ICPS 2020 Ambassadors.
Our Ambassadors are helping us to actively promote ICPS 2020 across the globe and participate in the development of an outstanding scientific program for the Congress. We thank them for their valuable contribution to the Conference.
Alistair Rowe
Alistair Rowe holds a CNRS position at the Ecole Polytechnique in France. After a Ph.D. at Imperial College London in 2001 and post-docs at the NEC Research Institute in Princeton, USA and at the Laboratoire de physique des solides in France, he joined the CNRS in 2004. His current research focuses on the unusual spin and mechanical properties of semiconductor nano-objects that arise due to the presence of crystalline defects and a strong spin-orbit interaction. This includes studies of defect-mediated piezo-response in space charge limited nano-objects, and of spin dynamics in multi-valley semiconductors with an eye towards revealing original mechanical manifestations of the spin-orbit interaction.
Andre Saraiva
Andre Saraiva is a brazilian Condensed Matter theorist, specialized in solid state-based qubit implementations. His expertise is providing electronic structure solutions to problems in silicon spin quantum computation, as well as other quantum technologies and semiconductor platforms.
Arne Laucht
Arne Laucht is a Senior Lecturer and UNSW Scientia Fellow at UNSW, Sydney. He is a program manager for the ARC Centre of Excellence for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology (CQC2T), and works on the development of a spin-based quantum computer in silicon. Furthermore, he manages the Ultra-Low Temperature Optics (ULTO) Laboratory, that allows optical measurements at T < 100 mK.
Benoit Voisin
Benoit Voisin received his PhD in 2013 at the University of Grenoble, France, where he demonstrated that CMOS nano-transistors can be used as building blocks for quantum information processes in silicon. He joined the group of Prof. Sven Rogge in 2014 as a post-doctoral researcher at the Centre for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology (CQC2T), Australia, where he developed a platform to image interacting qubit wavefunctions embedded in controllable atomic devices using scanning tunnelling microscopy. Since 2018, he joined the effort of Silicon Quantum Company (SQC) towards universal quantum computing as a Research Staff, to develop a long distance coupling interface between atom qubits in silicon using microwave photons.
David Cortie
David Cortie obtained his PhD in physics from the University of Wollongong. His topic was neutron scattering and magnetic materials, with experimental work conducted at Australia’s OPAL reactor. He then did postdoctoral work at the University of British Columbia, the Australian National University and the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation. In 2017, he returned to the University of Wollongong, and was awarded an Australian Research Council Discovery Early Career Research Fellowship. His research focuses on the interplay between magnetism, electronic structure and phonons in quantum materials including strongly-correlated oxides and topological semimetals.
Dongchen Qi
Dongchen Qi. During 1999 to 2003 Dr. Qi studied physics in Peking University for his undergraduate education before he moved to Singapore. After receiving his PhD degree in surface science from the National University of Singapore in 2009, he spent another two years as a research fellow at the same institute. In 2012, he joined the Institute of Materials Science and Engineering (IMRE) as a staff scientist working on organic electronic devices. He took up a faculty position as a lecturer in physics at La Trobe University in 2013. In 2017, Dr. Qi was awarded the prestigious ARC Future Fellowship to develop high-performance diamond surface electronics and quantum devices. In 2018, He joined the Queensland University of Technology as a Senior Lecturer. Dr. Qi’s research interests lie in the area of experimental condensed matter physics and material physics, focusing on creating, understanding, and controlling at nanoscale the surfaces and interfaces of functional materials to develop new technologies and material platforms for the next-generation devices.
Giuseppe Tettamanzi
With unique skills in the physics of ultra-small CMOS devices, in applied superconductivity, in ultra-low noise and ultra-low temperature techniques and precision measurements, Dr G. C. Tettamanzi is the leader of the Quantum and Nanoscale Technology Group (QuaNTeG) based at the Institute of Photonics and Advanced Sensing (IPAS) of the University of Adelaide. Previously he was a post-doctoral fellow at the Kavli Institute for Nano-Sciences in Delft and a Senior Lecturer and an ARC DECRA fellow at the UNSW, Sydney. Dr Tettamanzi has been awarded several prizes, several prestigious fellowships and several AUS $ Millions in research funding, most of it as unique Chief Investigator. He was also in the team that won the 2018 Eureka Prize for Defence Technology in Sydney. The research of his team is currently focusing on the study and the development of novel superconducting, semiconducting and bio device geometries such as novel hybrid Superconductor-Semiconductor Single-Atom Transistor devices.
Prof. Jan Seidel
Prof. Jan Seidel at the School of Materials Science and Engineering of UNSW Sydney leads research on advanced scanning probe microscopy and nanoscale characterisation of a wide variety of functional materials, with a focus on fundamental electronic, photovoltaic and magnetic properties of materials interfaces. He is recognised for pioneering contributions to research on topological structures, such as domain walls, vortices and skyrmions.
Joris Keizer
Joris Keizer received his PhD on atomic-scale probing of metallic and semiconductor nanostructures at the Eindhoven University of Technology (Netherlands) in 2012. Since then he has been working in the Centre for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology (CQC2T) at the University of New South Wales (Australia) using scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) to build atomic-scale quantum devices in silicon. His work contributed to the demonstration of a two-qubit gate between phosphorus donor electrons in silicon in 2019, a key milestone towards the development of donor based multi-qubit quantum circuits. In 2017 he joined Silicon Quantum Computing (SQC), a newly found company with the long term goal of building a universal quantum computer. As a senior researcher at SQC he is furthering the capability to reliably produce a ten qubit prototype quantum integrated processor. In addition to his work with SQC, he is currently developing 3D fabrication techniques using STM and molecular beam epitaxy for error correction at CQC2T.
Kouzou Abdellah
Kouzou Abdellah (IEEE Senior member & IACSIT Senior member, IFAC,IAENG & IISRO member, IEEE-HKN Alumni Member) was born in Djelfa, Algeria in 1964. He is a collaborator researcher at Texas A&M University at Qatar. He was the president of the Scientific Council of the faculty of Sciences and Technology from 2014 to 2017. He has participated in several research projects and has led several research projects. He is the founder of the Power Electronics and Power Quality research group at the Applied Automation and Industrial Diagnostic Laboratory, University of Djelfa in Algeria. He has published more than 300 papers, his main research interests include Active Power Filtering techniques, Power Quality issues, Power Electronics Devices, Application of Power electronics in Renewable Energies, and Materials for multi-layers coating in PV cells.
Rongkun Zheng
Rongkun Zheng obtained his BSc in Physics from Shandong University in China in 1999 and his PhD in Physics from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2004. He joined the University of Sydney in late 2004, and currently is an Associate Professor at the School of Physics. His research interest spans from Condensed Matter and Materials Physics to Microscopy and Microanalysis, with focus on the growth-Structure-Property relationships in functional materials and devices using sophisticated microscopy and microanalysis, particularly atom probe tomography (APT) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). He has published >200 papers and has received >7600 citations. He has received a number of awards, including a prestigious fellowship from the Australian Research Council, and has been regularly invited to national and international conferences in his field.
Prof. Nunzio Motta
Nunzio Motta is full professor at Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia. He graduated in Physics at Università di Roma La Sapienza in 1981 and obtained his PhD in 1986 (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa) He was the first scientist in Italy to achieve atomic resolution on Si(111) 7×7 by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy, and he is internationally recognized in the field of material science, with over 30 years’ experience in growth and characterization of nanostructures. He is currently leading surface science and nanotechnology research at QUT, developing new 2D heterostructures, graphene-based supercapacitors, solar-powered nano-sensors and thin film solar cells. He published more than 200 papers, with more than 5400 citations and an h-index of 42. He is chair of the international school and conference NanoS-E3 since 2007.
Prof. Thomas Nann
Thomas Nann is Professor and Head of School at the School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences at the University of Newcastle in Australia. He received his MSc (Chemistry) in 1994, and PhD (Physical Chemistry) in 1997, both from the Albert-Ludwig University Freiburg, Germany. He remained at this university for some more years where he was awarded his Habilitation (Nanosciences) and Venia Legendi in 2004. From Freiburg, Thomas first moved to the University of East Anglia in the UK, then to the University of South Australia in Adelaide. During this time he established a strong leadership and research track record in the areas of Nanosciences and Nanotechnology. In 2015, he accepted an appointment as Director of the MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology in New Zealand, and finally returned to Australia in 2019 to take up his current position.
Sam Gorman
Sam Gorman is currently a Post-doctoral researcher within the group of Prof. Michelle Simmons at the ARC Centre of Excellence for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology, University of New South Wales, Australia. He graduated with a Bachelors degree in Nanotechnology in 2012 from the University of Wollongong, Australia and completed his PhD in 2019 with Prof. Michelle Simmons. Sam’s current research is driving the use of single dopant atoms in silicon to form the building blocks of a large scale quantum computer using phosphorus. He has largely worked on the sensing of coupled electrons and their spin dynamics where he recently demonstrated the first controllable interaction between two electrons bound to phosphorus donors in silicon to perform a SWAP gate. This is one of the first steps towards the realisation of a scalable quantum computing prototype using individual donor atoms.
Sejeong Kim
Sejeong Kim (OSA Sydney Local Section Committee Member, APL Photonics Early Career Editorial Advisory Board Member) is currently a research fellow at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS). She received her PhD in Physics from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) in 2014. Her research focuses on studying light-matter interaction at the nanoscale, especially with optical cavities. This includes studies of photonic crystal cavities for microlasers, sensors and quantum applications, as well as developing an integrated photonics platform.
Dr. Xiaojing Zhou
Dr. Xiaojing Zhou is a senior lecturer at the University of Newcastle, Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia. She obtained her Ph.D in Chemistry in 2006 from the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, and worked in the research field of organo-silicon surface/interface. She moved to Australia in 2006 and worked as a research fellow under the supervision of Professor Michelle Simmons in the field of semiconductor nano-devices at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. In 2007, she joined the newly established Priority Research Centre for Organic Electronics (PRCOE) at the University of Newcastle. In Newcastle, she has been working in the fields of novel organic semiconductors, organic electronics for sensing and photovoltaic applications.
Prof. Wang Xiaolin
Distinguished Professor Wang Xiaolin is Director of Institute for Superconducting and Electronic Materials at the University of Wollongong and Node Director and theme leader of the Australian Research Council (ARC) Centre of Excellence for Future Low Energy Electronic Technologies. H received his B.Sc and M.Sc in Physics and PhD in Materials Science. His research areas cover a broad spectrum of materials and materials physics including superconductors, spintronic materials, topological insulators, multiferroic materials, thermoelectric materials, quantum transport, wettability of liquids, novel effects in liquid metals, DFT simulations, 2D materials, thin films, nano-materials, and 3D bulk crystals. Prof Wang pioneered a number of ground-breaking studies in MgB2 superconductors, Fe-based superconductors, topological insulators, liquid metals, and grand design of new materials and physical properties. He proposed a new class of materials (Physical Review Letter, 2008), coined as spin gapless materials which bridge the zero gap material and half metal and is regarded as a new platform for spintronics and more importantly for quantum anomalous Hall effect. His discovery of heart beating effect in room-temperature liquid metals (Physical Review Letters 2019) was highlighted in Nature and have attracted extensive media coverage including Forbes, new scientist etc. Prof Wang is also committed to fostering and training the next generation of researchers and leaders. Prof Wang’s significant contribution to the Australian research on materials science and condensed matter physics has led him to be awarded a number of Australian Research Council fellowships including QEII Fellowship, Professorial Future Fellowship, and UOW Vice Chancellor’s excellence award of researcher of the year. Many of his important were published in Nature Materials, Physical Review Letters, Nature Communications, Science Advances etc with citation of more than 15000 times and H index of more than 60.
Zaiquan Xu
Zaiquan Xu obtained his PhD degree in 2016 from Monash University. After that, he joined the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) as a postdoctoral research associate. He starts Chancellor’s Research Fellow from 2018 in UTS. He is a current member of Optical Society of America and Australian Nanotechnology Network. His current research area includes solar cells, interface engineering, 2D semiconductor materials, synthesis and optoelectronic applications.