Plenary Speakers
AHRC 2023 Plenary Speakers
Professor Rose Amal - ARC Laureate Fellow, University of New South Wales
Professor Rose Amal is a Scientia Professor in the School of Chemical Engineering, UNSW, Sydney Her current research focuses on designing nanomaterials for solar and chemical energy conversion applications, making solar chemicals and fuels (such as H2) . Professor Rose Amal has received numerous prestigious awards including: the nation’s top civilian honour – the Companion of the Order of Australia – for her eminent service to chemical engineering. In 2019, she was awarded the NSW Scientist of the Year. She is a Co-Director of ARC Training Centre for the Global Hydrogen Economy, a Fellow of Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (FTSE), a Fellow of Australian Academy of Science (FAA).
Dr Alan Finkel - Former Australian Chief Scientist
Dr Alan Finkel AC is a neuroscientist, engineer and entrepreneur. He was Australia’s Chief Scientist from 2016 to 2020, during which time he led the National Electricity Market Review, the development of the National Hydrogen Strategy, and the panel that advised the Australian Government on the 2020 Low Emissions Technology Roadmap. As Special Adviser to the Australian Government on Low Emissions Technologies he led the development of the 2021 Low Emissions Technology Statement and brokered bilateral low emissions technology partnerships between Australia and each of seven key countries. In 2022 he chaired the Steering Committee for the Australian Government-hosted Sydney Energy Forum. He is currently Chair of Stile Education and a corporate adviser on climate change technologies.
Dr Patrick Hartley - Leader, CSIRO Hydrogen Industry Mission
Dr Patrick Hartley is the leader of CSIRO’s Hydrogen Industry Mission, a major national research initiative which was launched in May 2021. The Mission is focussed on delivering research, development and demonstration project partnerships which enable the scaleup of Australia’s domestic and export hydrogen industries.
In 2018, he also established CSIRO’s Hydrogen Energy Systems Future Science Platform. During this time, he co-led the formulation of CSIRO’s ‘National Hydrogen Roadmap, and, with the Chief Scientist of Australia, the briefing paper ‘Hydrogen for Australia’s Future’ which was presented to the Council of Australian Government’s (COAG) Energy council in August 2018 and laid the foundations for the development of Australia’s National Hydrogen Strategy.
Patrick graduated with a PhD in Chemical Engineering from Imperial College, London in 1994, is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and holds an Adjunct Professorship at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia.
Professor Yun Liu - ARC Laureate Fellow, Australian National University
Professor Yun Liu is the current ARC Georgina Sweet Australian Laureate Fellow, leading the Functional Materials Research group at the Research School of Chemistry (RSC), The Australian National University (ANU).
Yun Liu graduated from the Xian Jiaotong University, China with her BSc, MSc and PhD. She has since held a position at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Kyushu, Japan (1998-2001) before the commencement of her Postdoctoral Fellow position at the RSC, ANU in 2001. She was promoted to Professor in 2015. She was awarded National Fellowships of the AIST (1998-1999) and the STA (1999-2001) (Science and Technology Agency, now renamed as the Fellow of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) in Japan. She was also awarded the Australian Research Council (ARC) Queen Elisabeth II (2006-2010), Future (2011-2015) and Georgina Sweet Australian Laureate Fellowship (2021-) in Australia. Her pioneering research focuses on defect chemistry, local structure and functional properties of condensed matters. She is internationally recognized for her application of complex materials chemistry to achieve novel functional properties for use in electronical technology, energy and environment. Her leading-edge research has led to ground‑breaking research achievements, numerous innovation awards, large industry investments and considerable intellectual property outcomes, including 41 filed/issued patents and over 260 publications in top-tier journals, including Science and Nature Materials. One of her research projects focuses on the catalysts design for liquid organic hydrogen storage. She is leading an ARC Linkage project and her team is currently working together with ACT industry partners to build the Australia-first liquid organic hydrogen storage demonstration facility.
Paul Lucchese - IEA Hydrogen TCP Chair and Head of the New Energy R&D programme at French Public Research Institute
Paul Lucchese, IEA Hydrogen TCP Chair and Head of the New Energy R&D programme at CEA (French Public Research Institute). Mr Lucchese has been in the hydrogen and fuel cells field since 2001, actively involved in national (Vice-chair of the French Hydrogen Association), European (Chair of Hydrogen Europe Research for 8 years, member of the FCH JU Governing Board) and international (Chair of the Hydrogen TCP since 2017) organizations.
His background includes a Nuclear Engineering Degree at the École Centrale de Paris (1983) with a specialty in two-phase flow thermohydraulic, followed by a Master’s in Applied Chemistry. Among the activities he currently carries out are the intervention in conferences and events, the review of reports, strategies and roadmaps, and the participation in diverse scientific committees.
Professor Eric May - Managing Director, Future Energy Exports CRC
Managing Director, Future Energy Exports CRC
Director, Gas Capture Technologies Pty Ltd.
Eric May is Managing Director of the Future Energy Exports (FEnEx) CRC and was named the 2021 Western Australian Scientist of the Year. His research team works closely with industry, conducting projects in hydrogen liquefaction, LNG production and decarbonisation, gas separations, CCS and fluid property prediction. Eric was awarded the Malcolm McIntosh Prize for Physical Scientist of the Year as part of the 2012 Prime Minister’s Prizes for Science. In 2017, he co-established Gas Capture Technologies Pty Ltd, a spin-out company for patented technologies to capture methane from coal mines, land-fill gas and other sources. Launched in 2020, the FEnEx CRC brings together 35 industry, government and university partners with resources of $163 million to conduct industrial-scale research that supports LNG and Hydrogen exports from Australia.
Professor Bruno Pollet - International Association for Hydrogen Energy, Canada
Bruno G. Pollet is a Professor of Chemistry at the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR), Director of the UQTR Green Hydrogen Lab, Deputy Director of the UQTR Institute for Hydrogen Research (IHR), Adjunct Professor of Renewable Energy at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). He is President of the Green Hydrogen Division of the International Association for Hydrogen Energy (IAHE). He has recently been (i) invited to join the Council of Engineers for the Energy Transition (CEET): An Independent Advisory Council to the United Nations’ Secretary-General, and (ii) awarded the “IAHE Sir William Grove Award” for his work in hydrogen, fuel cell and electrolyser technologies. His research covers a wide range of areas from the development of novel materials for low-temperature fuel cells and water electrolysers, hydrogen production from (non-)pure waters, organics, and bio-wastes to fuel cell and electrolyser systems, demonstrators, and prototypes. He co-founded and co-directed the
Birmingham Centre for Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Research (UK) and was Director of Hydrogen South Africa (HySA) Systems Integration & Technology Validation Competence Centre. He has worked for Johnson Matthey Fuel Cells Ltd (UK) and other various industries worldwide as Technical Account Manager, Project Manager, Research Manager, R&D Director, Head of R&D and Chief Technology Officer. He gained his PhD in Physical Chemistry in the field of Electrochemistry and Sonochemistry at Coventry University (UK) and undertook his PostDoc in Electrocatalysis at the Liverpool University Electrochemistry (UK). He serves on several associations and industry boards as well as editorial boards of international journals (Elsevier, Royal Society of Chemistry, Springer, Wiley & IOP). He edited over 17 books, wrote 2 books, and published over 25 book chapters in hydrogen and fuel cells, sonochemistry and sonoelectrochemisty. He has also delivered over 200 keynote and invited talks at various international events.