
The ICPS 2022 team have been carefully looking at the contemporary trends in scientific rigour and transparency in conferences. This year, ICPS is aligning with changing times in the world of scientific publishing and we are pleased to introduce digital posters to the conference to showcase scientific research, in addition to traditional hard copy posters.

How will digital posters enhance your experience at ICPS 2022?

During lunchtimes and dedicated poster session afternoons, delegates will be able to browse through the posters on the kiosks (large touch screens), visit a digital poster theatrette to hear the mini oral presentations, view posters on the app on smartphones and tablets, and browse the hardcopy poster displays.

This new and innovative digital poster integration will:

  • Feature built in animation and video streams
  • Enable delegates to access posters on phones, tablets, laptops, and kiosks within the exhibition hall
  • Allow delegates to view uploaded posters on the app at any time (the app will be launched around 2 weeks prior to the Conference)
  • Make it possible for delegates to contact authors via the app to organise meetings and ask questions about the poster
  • Allow you to communicate directly with fellow presenters, enhancing your networking opportunities
  • Give authors access to statistics on poster engagement

Please note that presenters will have option to present either a hardcopy poster OR digital poster (more details below.)

Mini Oral Presentations
  • Format: 5-minute oral presentation comprising of a 3-minute pitch to summarise your digital poster + 2 minutes of questions.
  • Location: Kiosks (large touch screens) in the exhibition at the International Convention Centre Sydney.
  • Schedule: Mini oral presentations will take place during the dedicated poster sessions on Monday 27 and Tuesday 28 June 2022. 
  • Please note: A mini oral program will be released in the coming weeks with the presenter’s dedicated presentation time. A presenter is only required to submit a digital poster. A session moderator will provide a brief introduction of the presenter and will assist with keeping to time.
Digital Poster Presentations
  • Format: Digital poster available to view on smartphones, tablets and interactive kiosks.
  • Location: Kiosks (large touch screens) in the exhibition at the International Convention Centre Sydney and above.
  • Schedule: Presenters are encouraged to be positioned around the kiosks during the catering breaks so delegates may ask questions. 
  • Please note: Delegates may contact presenters via the kiosks or app to organise a face-to-face meeting. Presenters may embed a 3-minute pre-recorded video in the poster that acts as an oral presentation.
Hardcopy Poster Presentations
  • Format: Physical poster that must be no larger than portrait A0 (841mm × 1189mm) (2.7592ft x 3.9009ft) (33.1 x 46.8 in).
  • Location: Poster boards positioned in the exhibition at the International Convention Centre Sydney. 
  • Schedule: Hardcopy poster presentations will take place during the dedicated poster sessions and catering breaks.
  • Please note: A hardcopy poster program will be released in the coming weeks with the presenter’s dedicated poster display date. Please note that you are required to bring velcro to attach your poster to the poster boards – the use of pins to secure posters is not effective as the poster boards are covered in a felt material.
Digital Poster Preparation and Submission

Digital posters are created as PowerPoint presentations and uploaded into the digital poster portal located in the same portal you used to submit your abstract. This system converts your poster presentation into an interactive format for viewing.

All digital posters must be uploaded to the online portal by 23:59 AEST on Monday 6 June 2022.

When creating your digital poster, please follow the guidelines located on the poster webpage and download the template from the here. The template has been designed to display properly on the poster kiosks that will be used onsite.

Embedding a video in PowerPoint:

  1. Click on the slide you want, then go to Menu > Insert.
  2. In the top right corner, click Video > Video on My PC.
  3. Find the video you want to add and click and “Insert”.
  4. Adjust the settings in the Video Format toolbar.
  5. Preview you presentation.
Hardcopy Poster Preparation and Submission

Posters should meet the following criteria:

The title should reflect the content of your poster and match your abstract submission.

Name, organisation, e-mail address of the corresponding author and the affiliations of all co-authors should appear on the poster.

The poster should be easily readable at a distance of two metres. Use Sentence case for general content as the use of all-capital text is difficult to read. Avoid using mixtures of type/font styles.



72 point is suggested
20-24 mm or 100 point maximum

Title Case / Bold

At the top of the poster include the title of the presentation, the name of the authors and the contact details for the corresponding author.


48 point is suggested

60 point maximum

Title Case

Headings such as “Introduction”, “Methods”, “Results”, “Discussions” and “Conclusions” are useful.


24-28 point

32 maximum

Single spaced

Upper and Lower Case

The text should be brief throughout. Any description of methods should be simple and concise.


28 point

Upper and Lower Case

Any description of methods should be simple and concise.


The poster must be no larger than portrait A0 (841mm × 1189mm) (2.7592ft x 3.9009ft) (33.1 x 46.8 in).

If you wish to provide a digital poster for exposure on the Conference Mobile App, please contact the Conference Mangers via for guidelines.

Poster template

Mini oral guidelines

Digital poster guidelines

Hardcopy poster guidelines

Submission portal

Registration form